Monday, November 16, 2009

Exporting jobs - outsourcing - saves American jobs? Is Bush right this time?

George Bush, in his weekly radio address, said:

"Protectionism will cost U.S. jobs"


So sending our jobs overseas actually saves American jobs? Why didn't Clinton think of that? Maybe my friends would still have their tech support jobs instead of having to work menial jobs for minimum wage.

But wait, they lost their jobs after Republicans' policies encouraged corporations to open support centers and factories in countries with cheap labor, like India and the Philippines - and to close the ones in the USA where my friends worked.

Another brilliant Bush idea to help working, middle-class Americans, or another way to help wealthy corporations and investors?

Here's an idea! Let's export all of our jobs, and according to Republicans' logic, we'll have zero unemployment!

Exporting jobs - outsourcing - saves American jobs? Is Bush right this time?
It saves them for the Chinese, they collect them like pelts.

After all they had already bought the factories at fire sale prices when American Pirates found they could make more money selling all the equipment in a month then they received in profits in a year or more. And come the next month they could do that to a new company so not have to worry about the loss of the previous one.

Of course the Gang Of Pirates made out like ... well pirates. And the victims of the pirates made out like .... well the victims of pirates, but since the GOP had managed to get control of Congress with their "Contract on America" they felt "entitled".

This Award winning photo perfectly illustrates the GOP concern for the welfare of others.
Reply:Has W Bush *ever* been right? (other than idealogic)

His policy decisions have a track record of consistent failure .. failure to look out for the interests of anyone except upper-income America ...

double-think // 1984-Orwell

"black is white" // MacBeth - Shakespeare
Reply:You have to be more flexible. I own a business I could not have started without trade with other countries. Because of this I am able to do business with other companies in my local area.

All of these foreign manufacturers also hire lots of American workers to work with development, procurement, etc.... teams in large companies. Or hire sales personnel, or start factories here like Sony, Honda, Toyota, etc.... My day job is with a large computer company.
Reply:When I was younger I used to move around a lot to basically go where the jobs were. Fortunately, I have not had to do this in years, but, if I was younger and in need of employment, given several other factors that are deteriorating my opinion of this country, I would seriously consider looking in other countries. The middle class seems to be in a process of slowly being 'phased out.' I think we need a serious change in our foreign and domestic policies in order to salvage this once great nation. I don't think the Republicans are going to lead us out of these troubled waters. I won't say that they are totally responsible for the situation we now find ourselves in, nevertheless, they have made a significant contribution.
Reply:"We can only save jobs by sending them overseas". This sounds like the typical double speak from the Bush administration. "White is black, black is white, don't believe your eyes, believe me."

Lies seem to be the major white house export.

Bush doesn't give a damn about a single American worker!
Reply:You must understand that cons live in opposite land where down is up and up is down.
Reply:Actually, Clinton wasn't entirely opposed to exporting US jobs. After all, NAFTA came out of the Clinton administration. Clinton even gave a speech to Asian investors at the Boeing plant in Washington state praising the shift of the economy to service-based jobs.

But there is no doubt that Republicans are the worst offenders where outsourcing is concerned. In a sense, what they are doing is a form of "protectionism" -- that is, the interests of the very rich are protected. Everyone else is supposed to adjust to the new service-based economy. So those who used to have tech support jobs should try to find jobs as managers at their local retail stores or something. I don't's purely criminal behavior. It sickens me that these people drape themselves in the flag and then destroy the country they claim to love.
Reply:F**K BUSH, F**k CHENEY!!!

lets take the gloves off and kick their f**kin a**es!!!!

yes your right,

i forgot to take my happy pills today!!!

hell, i got the same meds as rush, but mines legal!!!!
Reply:That sounds like a typical brilliant liberal idea. Stupid and to the point.


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