American workers are being fired because companies are exporting their jobs overseas. American workers are also being fired because many of our politicians are encouraging low wage, and often illegal, immigrants to come here and take their jobs away from them. The politicians who support the “open borders” that cause American workers to lose their jobs to illegal immigrants are often the very same ones who condemn the companies that cause American workers to lose their jobs by exporting them.
Do America’s former workers who are trying to make ends meet on temporary unemployment benefits really care if they lost their jobs because the jobs went overseas or if they lost their jobs because foreign workers came here to take them?
If Bush, McCain, Kennedy and other politicians of their ilk succeed in passing their so-called comprehensive immigration reform legislation, how do America’s unemployed former workers benefit?
If we grant legal status to illegal immigrants, does that save “American” jobs? If so, isn’t that kind of like decriminalizing murder to reduce crimes of violence?
Should We Export Our Jobs or Import Workers To Do Them?
The jobs illegal immigrants do are unskilled jobs that can't be outsourced off shore. For instance, food, lodging and construction industries. What many don't realize is that the U.S. already has enough of an uneducated unskilled citizen underclass that for the most part are willing to perform the jobs illegal aliens take. The problem is illegal aliens by and large know where these jobs are because they are well networked with the help of La Raza, the Catholic Church, and the backing ot the Mexican government. Our cititzen underclass is not networked at all.
In some cases, the U.S. underclass citizen worker might require 2 or 3 dollars an hour more to do the same job illegals now perform but since the average illegal alien in the U.S. costs taxpayers an average of at least $10,000 annually, the feds should consider subsidizing the difference if necessary. This would create a win-win situation because the subsidy won't be as much as the welfare dollars these citizens are currently sucking up.
The newly unemployed illegal alien can go back to their country, or work in a chain gang. There is no reason to grant legal status to illegal immigrants from a taxpayers point of view. Only from a greedy businessman's point of view. (Taxpayers be damned)
Reply:Neither. Hire people within the US to do the jobs. Keep it in the States.
Reply:How can housekeeping, lawn care, and lettuce picking be outsourced to other countries? Most of the jobs are staying where they are. The American workers are simply being undercut by illegal labor. It's called supply and demand. It will happen in any free market economy. The system can only function the way it is supposed to if companies are held accountable for only hiring legal labor. If that means to outsource, so be it. That's the nature of the beast. Unskilled American workers can either take the lower paying jobs or learn a skill or trade in order to earn a higher paying job. As long as illegal labor is allowed to persist, the only Americans who will be able to survive in the job market are the ones who are competing for higher skilled jobs that illegal immigrants are unable to obtain even with the temptation of low salary pay.
If we were actually able to tighten border security enough to keep illegal aliens out, we would also be keeping out many other parts of the black market (drugs, guns, sex slaves, etc.). There's too many people in power who are being paid handsomely to look the other way as all of these transactions occur. Illegal labor is just the most obvious of these because you see them standing on the street corners every day dangling their crimes in your face.
I'm all about finding a solution, but I know it doesn't involve punishing or rewarding the people who have already crossed the border. I am thinking it involves some enforced accountability and responsibility from U.S. employers. Remove the incentive, and the problem will fix itself without too much more intervention.
Reply:You ask the question as if you imagine that the decision is up to the US government, or to the American people.
The corporations make the decision. They are profit-driven, and patriotism or concern for fellow citizens is not high on the corporate agenda.
To be fair, IT professionals will do a job for USD 7K in India, where American IT professionals will want USD 70K for work of the same standard. What would you want if you owned a lot of shares in a computer company?
Factory work is even more glaring. People work for peanuts in China and Indonesia. Furthermore, workers in those places tend to be a lot more compliant, and there is no talk of raises or unions or complaining about health and safety issues.
I know what you are saying, but there is two things for Americans (or anyone else) to do in order to protect themselves and their nation from globalization.
1. Figure out what you can do faster better and cheaper than anyone else in the world.
2. Do it.
Reply:there was a show on tv the company was going to move to mexico but didnt because the people they planned on hiring are already here
Reply:The jobs being exported and the jobs being imported are completely different.
1) Jobs being exported are often manufacturing jobs or IT jobs. The manufacturing labor is cheaper outside of the country then inside. IT "products" are just a few seconds away.
2) Jobs being taken by illegal immigrants are typically jobs that cannot be exported. ie. waiter/waitress. Additionally, many of these jobs involve farming where a good portion of America are farmers. India/China are very likely to start exporting wheat/corn because of their high population and lack of arable land.
Reply:Neither is required. All we need to do is do away with ALL gov give away programs to the lazy. Those folks can do the work that the illegals now do.
Reply:If you make the claim that we need ILLEGAL workers because they are "cheap labor" and American citizens and LEGAL IMMIGRANTS won't do the work for the wages they do, then it makes no sense to let them stay or make them legal, because they will then demand AND RECEIVE a fair wage and benefits from the corrupt employers that hired them in the first place.
Then you "need" more...because, in reality, the corrupt employers will WANT more illegals to exploit. It's a vicious cycle. They don't WANT to pay a fair wage and benefits to citizens and legal immigrants if they can get away with paying less to illegal criminal aliens.
The only solution is enforcement of our laws. Prosecute these corrupt employers to the extent of the law, deport illegal aliens and secure our borders.
Reply:Neither. Keep American jobs in America for American workers.
Reply:Neither, keep them here and start complaining (don't buy) their products. Also call your elected politicians daily.. This is why the jobs are going abroad. Big business and politicians are CONTROLLING you, not to mention the media
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