Monday, November 16, 2009

What jobs are the immigrants doing that no British person would do?

every other posting i read about immigration says we need more to do the jobs the british person would refuse to do,

there are nine employment agencies were i live, ive registed with all of then, [no reply] but all the new immigrants [and there are alot] seem to be working for the agencies,

even the job centre admits over 80% of the jobs they advitise are agency jobs,so if there not gonna employ me becuase im english and the job centre dont have any jobs, [ must be all of the jobs the british dont want to do] , more of a case of im all right jack, cant see the problem [till its youre job]

What jobs are the immigrants doing that no British person would do?
This "Immigrants are doing jobs Brits don't want" garbage is just the trash spoken by deeply ignorant, priviledged people who earn 60k a year and assume that no British person would "want" to a be waiter or a bus driver or a cleaner, or a barman etc.

Many British people do these jobs because they have no choice! There aren't enough well paid jobs for us all to have one. Even many graduates end up in call centres these days.

Immigrants competing for these basic jobs are making it even harder to find work and so people are staying on benefits because they can't find a job that will pay enough to cover their rent, bills, food etc.

But the priviledged like to spout this claptrap because it enables them to look down on their countrymen and feel better about themselves.
Reply:We got all that bullsh!t in the 60s when a huge influx of Asians arrived here. They will do the jobs the British wont we were told, instead 1000s of the British were made jobless and the Asians have taken over the best jobs around..
Reply:The immigrants will get jobs that is low pay or cheap labour and doesnt rquire communication or education...
Reply:Every job that you would do, except they will do it for 1/10th the pay. Good luck.
Reply:would you go go berry picking I certainly wouldn't do that and many other jobs like it. They get a pittance for a hard days work would you work for sweeties?
Reply:Crash test dummies, speed humps or filling in positions in British sports teams?
Reply:Suicide bomber, i cant see average joe bloggs being first in line for that either!
Reply:You're talking about the subject from the wrong end. Ask any hotel manager who applies for jobs as washers up, cleaners, waiters. Who applies for jobs as all night office cleaners? Why don't you see white people sweeping up in hospitals?

As for the person who mentioned the 60's, you're 10 years out mate - it started in the 50's because all the men who came back from the war were promised good jobs and "homes for heros".. Being as there was a shortage of skilled workers, most people turned their noses up at jobs they felt were beneath them, so the government turned to immigration as a way of filling those unskilled vacancies. Transport and the NHS, to name but two vital services, would've come to a halt without them.

As for the Asians in the 60's - Would these be the same Asians who fled Idi Amin with the clothes they stood up in, took any jobs they could get to make money and even managed to save enough from that so they could open up all those corner shops and work every hour God sends? Yeh, they were a right bunch of scroungers, weren't they?

Please talk less and listen more - You're embarrassing yourselves.
Reply:i dont know. where i work there used to plenty of english agency workers. there arent any now. the only agency workers that we get are polish. so why? the english still want jobs. low paid or not they were there working. so i can only guess that they have been pushed out in favour of the polish. there is a pie factory near me that has only immigrant workers. this company used to be the place everyone went to for fill in jobs or students and mums did it.whats going on? anyone that says the english dont want these jobs need a good kicking. english people do want to work.i just dont understand why its happening this way. i dont like england anymore

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