Monday, November 16, 2009

How many people have lost their jobs to illegals?

I finally figured it out. I kept hearing about all

those jobs Americans just won't do. We're never really

told what they are, but I guess we should be happy

they're getting done and stop complaining about all

the negative aspects of having twenty million illegal

aliens in our midst.

Perhaps we should just accept the idea that 25

American citizens are going to continue to be killed

every day by illegals - half of them by drunk drivers

- because it's a small price to pay to get all those

jobs done.

We should get used to the idea that nearly four

million children of illegals are filling our public

schools, and that more than 300,000 illegal aliens are

serving time in our prisons. There are another 640,000

illegals who should be in prison but aren't because

they are fugitives. We're not paying to incarcerate

them, so that's a plus, but unfortunately they are

probably the ones responsible for killing those 25

Americans every day. And, of course, we are getting

those jobs done.

We really shouldn't complain about the resurgence of

heretofore-eradicated diseases, including Tuberculosis

and the plague. You've probably heard that bedbugs are

also making a comeback. But it's okay, because we're

getting all those jobs done.

I guess we should be more than willing to pay the

cost for illegals to flood our hospital emergency

rooms for free service; and it's the least we can do

to declare their babies born on our soil as American

citizens. What else could a compassionate society do

for people doing all those jobs for us?

Americans should be happy to press one for English

and to sort through multicultural instructions written

in Spanish (and sometimes other languages) in order to

find the English directions. But again, who else is

going to do all those jobs? Snobby, self-indulgent

Americans? I don't think so.

I have to confess that I was less than thrilled

recently to see my local super market put up new signs

over their food aisles directing customers to the item

of their choice in both English and Spanish. I found

myself wondering how long it would take me to figure

out in Mexico City that "JalapeƱo" means "Pepper." But

after I thought about all those jobs lazy, spoiled

Americans (apparently including me) simply won't do, I

realized it was well worth whatever inconvenience I

might experience.

To tell you the truth, I was at a loss to figure out

which jobs the invading hordes of illegals actually

were doing that my fellow Americans and I won't do.

Oh, I know the usual answers, but those don't seem to

be the jobs I see them doing. In fact, I see them

roofing houses and making good money at it. I see them

working hard at more and more skilled jobs that people

I know personally would gladly do.

Then, as I wrote at the beginning of this column, I

finally figured it out. It was the story of the Fort

Dix Six that finally made it all click for me. Six

Muslim men were arrested for plotting to kill American

soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey.

I have a photo hanging on my office wall of my

father's Army platoon at Fort Dix . It is dated April

4, 1942. Fort Dix has been a primary jumping-off point

for our troops headed overseas for generations, which,

of course, is what made it such a tempting target.

At least three of the Fort Dix Six were in this

country illegally. They were brothers. They owned a

roofing company. Again, that's not a job American

workers won't do, so what could they possibly be doing

here? That's when it hit me.

Being a member of a terrorist cell is the one job

Americans just won't do.

Maybe we all need to contact our senators and

representatives one more time about the travesty of

justice currently coming up for a vote. If you do,

please do it before it becomes law. Oh yeah, make

sure to include the president on the list. Maybe, if

all else fails, we can persuade him to, or coerce him

into, a veto of this latest give away of our national


How many people have lost their jobs to illegals?
finally someone who accually knows and understands what is going on. The problem is the president wants to open the boarders. Thats what happens when you sibling marries one.

........A F**KIN JACKASS!!!!!!............. Report It

Reply:My sincerest apologies on behalf of all the illegal aliens living in the United States.

I'm so sorry that people have to leave their loved ones to come to the United States to find a better life. But wouldn't you relocate if you knew that jobs were available somewhere else?

Just so you know, some of the jobs that illegal immigrants perform include gardening, hospitality, textile work, and child care. Would you rather hire a person who demands $12 per hour or more (because that's what they should be paid for such work) or hire someone who will be naive enough to accept only $8, and will eagerly do overtime?

Lastly, I'm so sorry that illegal high school graduates have to join the Army and fight for the country that is so rightfully yours.

I'm so sorry that illegal immigrants are trying to screw you, because you sound like a great, compassionate guy who clearly doesn't deserve it.

Just out of curiosity, when and why did your ancestors come to the United States?
Reply:All jobs done by illegals could have been jobs for legal citizens or legal immigrants or people who are utilizing their work visas. So 100% of their jobs. There is no job that a person will not do. The pay is the issue. Teens will do any job, the poor will do any job, and the homeless will do any job. If you get a person that won't, you find a person that will. It does not have to be an illegal.
Reply:I almost fell asleep.
Reply:No, I haven't lost my job to an illegal.

And NO the KKK will NOT make a resurgence in the USA.We're too smart for that now.
Reply:Our unemployment rate is pretty low and keeps getting lower since no I don't think it's the illegals.
Reply:you only look at the negative parts! what about the 95% of immigrants who dont kill people how about the immigrants who pickup fruit for 12 hours every day for five bucks in the scorching hot sun just so you can have a strawberry? your problem is that you only look at the negative points of immigrants being here in teh u.s of a.
Reply:not me, i take jobs :)
Reply:not me. i have my job. all i read was the question. the details were WAAAYY too frickin long.
Reply:Too many
Reply:The president keeps saying that these people are only doing jobs Americans don't want. I say to you, go by any construction site in this country, and see how many there even speak English.
Reply:I haven't and don't expect to. I didn't read your speech either.
Reply:We need to fight amnesty bill, every time it raises it ugly head.
Reply:Nicely put but rather lengthy.
Reply:How many?

Easy one: just as many as the ones who were performing jobs in gardening, hospitality, textile work, and child care.
Reply:I liked your poem. can you write another one?

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